Is Reel Saber customizable?

Yes! While we’ll offer some official Reel Saber varieties, the hilt cap and bottom sleeve are designed to be simple and modifiable. You can make custom versions without needing to reproduce complex functional elements. The main shell (where all the magic happens) is condensed, leaving plenty of room for customization. Reel Saber owners who want to 3D print (or otherwise manufacture) custom parts will have access to files for the bottom sleeve and removable cap of the hilt!


When will Reel Saber be available?

We received incredible support through our kickstarter campaign last October. We are working hard to get rewards fulfilled for our backers. We'll open pre-orders for future orders soon, but none will ship until all backer rewards have been fulfilled.

How safe is it?

Reel Saber deployment relies on a frictionless path. If deployed against a firm object, the blade will stop deploying and feed from the side access port, preventing injury. Though this may mitigate some danger, we strongly advise against pointing it towards people and animals, the light source is very bright! 

Can Reel Saber be used for dueling?

While Reel Saber is the best at retracting and deploying, it may not be the best option for dueling. You can still swing these blades though! Blade length is adjustable using the joystick. Deploy more for a cinematic ignition, reel some in for stronger swings!


What board/software does it use?

At the heart of every Reel Saber lies a very powerful circuit board. Our custom PCB, features a joystick, gyroscope, powerful audio amplifier, and a vibrant LED driver. It is programmable over USB-C using Circuit-Python. Users can customize how their saber operates, looks, and sounds!